Friday, December 21, 2007


I have come to where I started this journey, greeted - as I pull up to the Kusun Centre after a nine hour tro tro journey - by a grin of sparks and two boney arms that wrap themselves fondly around me; it is Amasa, the man who removed the hunk of rock from my foot with a razor blade in my second week and drove our drums to the training ground every day. Tettey, leaning against his car gives me a wink and a knowing, confident half smile.
Two worlds apart in the same country.
I walk in a daze through the hallway and glance at each name of the students I studied with in September, scratched out in powder smeared chalk on the bedroom doors - the settled dust of a sudden exit of forcible spirit.
It takes me forever to fall into the peaceful corners of sleep as I re-run the warmth and pulling sharpness of a goodbye in Ejura I won't soon forget.
I walk down Beach Road in Nungua in my final couple of days here, comparing and contrasting the life of two worlds and savouring the sweetness that forever will lay in the creases of my memory.
I feel truly blessed to have spent this time here, and what's more, feel blessed to have those of you in my life who have remained with me in spirit on this adventure.
With all my love,

**January 1st - will be up and running - check here for more adventures